

Page history last edited by Judi Moreillon 5 years, 3 months ago

International Association of School Librarians

48th Annual Conference

Dubrovnik, Croatia

October 21-25, 2019


Conference Theme: Convergence, Empowerment, Transformation


Empowered Leadership: Building Connections for Transforming Teaching and Learning



Dr. Judi Moreillon

Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign

Literacies and Libraries Consultant

Tucson, AZ 85749


jlmore@illinois.edu or info@storytrail.com



I am an adjunct associate professor, author, consultant, and Project Lilead mentor and a staunch advocate for school librarians’ leadership role. I served for thirteen years as a coteaching school librarian at all three instructional levels and have taught LIS graduate students for more than twenty-five years (so far). My published professional books for school librarians focus on leading through instructional partnerships and coteaching reading comprehension strategies. My most recent book is Maximizing School Librarian Leadership: Building Connections for Learning and Advocacy (ALA 2018).


I tweet @CactusWoman and blog at: http://schoollibrarianleadership.com My blog features support for a nine-month long book study of the nine chapters in Maximizing School Librarian Leadership.


PowerPoint Presentation (.pdf files): Empowered_Leadership_102319.pdf



Workshop Handout


Last Updated: 11 October 2019


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